Theory Thursday

An Untold Story

THIS. IS. IT. I know many of you are still reeling from last week’s rollercoaster of an episode, but we are at the end. In a blink of an eye, another season has come and gone. Theories correctly guessed; others way too far off. No matter, this is my final theory post for the season, breaking down my top 5 theories for this finale and even diving into S6 territory. This set of theories continues on from last week’s “Only You” post, and of course, spoilers have been taken into account for the development of these theories. So, SPOILER ALERT! With that, hang on for one more time!

Theory 1: Part of the heroes travel to an asylum realm. In last week’s theory, I theorized that Zelena opens a portal for the Merida & Camelot people to return home, this tying up that storyline especially now that Arthur has redeemed himself in the Underworld. So allow me to tweak that theory ever so slightly. I had mentioned before that something would and Snow would be dragged into the portal. Well now based on the plot synopsis, Snow, Charming, Hook, AND Zelena fall into the portal that transports them to an in-between realm. What I mean by that is I think that there is a realm that’s been created to trap various characters across all realms. For my Marvel fans, think Prison 42 or the Raft prison from Captain America: Civil War. These characters have been seen as insane or pose a threat, so they’ve been locked away in this realm. So yes, Davy Crockett and Dr. Jekyll have been deemed insane, and this is probably where Dorothy’s parents wanted to send Dorothy to after she first returned from Oz. I think the heroes in their efforts to return to Storybrooke will rescue & bring some of these characters back with them. However the warden and the overseer of the realm will begin a manhunt after them, thus introducing the villain of S6 and begin the asylum arc on the show.

Theory 2: Violet returns to Camelot. In the season finale, we know Henry goes rogue to New York City to destroy magic once and for all, and Violet decides to be a rebellious teen and goes with him instead of returning to Camelot with her father. Despite the bonding and adventure between the young couple, I believe Violet will see the importance of family between Henry and his mothers and make the decision to return home. Plus, we know that magic will still exist by the end of the finale because of spoiler pics of the heroes coming through a portal to NYC opend presumely by Emma, Regina, and/or Rumple. They will probably open another portal for Violet and Henry will have to say goodbye to his first love. 

Theory 3: Baby Gold is born by the end of the season finale. The Dark One may have tethered Storybrooke’s magic to the Olympian crystal for the season finale, but a second shot at fatherhood is going to change him. At the core of Rumple’s redemption has always been centered around fatherhood, making things right with his son Neal and not becoming like his own father, Peter Pan. We know that S6 will be set in Storybrooke NO REALM JUMPING! WOO! So I believe that his redemption arc will begin again with the birth of his child. Just because Belle is under a curse doesn’t mean her body just stopped working. Her pregnancy will continue to progress. This show doesn’t believe in long pregnancies, so I think the season will end with new life. Rumple’s main story will be that of redemption as he enters into fatherhood once again.

Theory 4: Killian moves in with Emma. Despite the news that there will be no proposal this season still not fully convinced but we shall see, I don’t think we are walking away from this season without some commitment talk between Emma and Killian. They have been tested and tried all season, going to the depths of darkness and the Underworld and overcoming all of it. The big emotional payoff of that happened last week when they reunited in Storybooke. However, I don’t think it will end there. Emma and Killian have been fighting for there white picket fence happy ending together. Emma has her own house now. She just got Killian back and has no intention of letting him out of her sight again. I would find it odd if Emma didn’t ask her pirate to move in with her. We know that the two kiss out in front of Granny’s in 5×23. I think it’s in response to Killian agreeing to live with his Swan and begin their future together. After everything they’ve been through this season, they deserve a little fluff.

Theory 5: Regina will overcome the Evil Queen. She and the audience are grieving the loss of Robin Hood. We know the Evil Queen makes an appearance in the finale. I think she will come out during “Only You” after Henry goes rogue and her equilibrium is shaken. However, I think Regina will overcome this in “An Untold Story” when her perspective is realigned to what she realized back in Season 4: her happy ending is feeling like she belongs in the world. Finding Henry and saving magic will give her the strength she needs to enter into a new chapter of her life and further developing this complex character. 

THAT’S IT! I’m done! My theorizing brain is going on vacation! Thanks everyone for a wonderful season, reading my theories and following me through some crazy ideas. I’ll be back around SDCC time as we embark on another magical season of “Once Upon A Time.” Have a great summer, friends! 

Notes From Me

The Cost of Fandom

The fandom of “Once Upon A Time” is a very unique group of people. Unlike other fandoms, this one has an extremely active online community. We thrive on new interviews, interaction with anyone involved with the show, and of course, filming news and spoilers. It’s exciting to be “in the know” and build up that anticipation. However, the reality is, it comes at a great cost. Surprises don’t have the same impact once it’s spoiled. We are emotional; the entire fandom’s emotions can flip on a dime over the smallest things. We get angry when we find out something we don’t want. Entitlement and status reign supreme when you hold valuable info over others and choose to play them out like chess pieces on a board. The game becomes rigged and the fandom suffers as a result.

Last night, mass hysteria hit social media (mainly Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram) when certain pictures from this upcoming episode leaked. There was also a post that listed a set of demands for a certain couple and tagged some actors, show runners, and even an online producer. I’m happy to say I was separated from the madness because I was watching the premiere of Captain America: Civil War which you should definitely see at some point! When I came back from it, I saw the uproar and a new civil war break out amongst fans. This morning, one actor chose to embrace & tweet out one of the leaked pics. Maybe it was to soften the blow with some humor, I’m not sure. As a courtesy to the fans who are oblivious to the news or fans who do not want to be spoiled, I will refrain from discussing the details of the spoilers. Suffice to say, Sunday is going to be an intense day.

To the account who leaked the photos, I really don’t understand what you were trying to accomplish in doing that. You have robbed fans of surprise and an emotional response to this episode. Those moments have been cheapened and therefore the impact has less weight. You have ignited a new war that may not be stopped until common sense enters fandom which unfortunately is rare. 

To the person that posted her list of demands for a couple and tagged various people in it, stop tagging writers, actors, and journalists. Amongst fans, fine. The show is written as it is and there will always be things we want that won’t get touched on. Online communities is where the fan things we want can live & be created, OUTSIDE THE SHOW.We all have our wish lists of things we want but at the end of the day, if we got everything we wanted it still wouldn’t satisfy.

To the fans devastated by the spoilers, I am truly and deeply sorry. It has been speculated for months, but nothing compares to having your nightmares become reality. I’m a fan as well, and it pains me to see the hardcore fans of those characters in pain. Sunday is going to be rough and I will cry along with you. But please, for the love of what this show is rooted on, please don’t lash out to others, including the writers. I know it hurts, but spreading hate is not going to make things any better, only worse. 

To the fans who are happy by the spoilers, stop boasting and provoking other fans to wrath. A year ago, you were devastated with finale spoilers that made your hiatus miserable. Now that you are of that, it’s not ok to kick others while their down. And don’t give me that karma excuse. There is no place for that.

Last but not least, to the fandom as a collectively whole, we have become our own worst enemy. What started out as a fun community has turned into a battleground. It shouldn’t be like this, but this is what happens when we obsess over something: we want everything before we can handle it. Things need to happen in its time. Which is why I am personally looking forward to hiatus after I send in my final review of the season. I think we all need time to cool down and reevaluate before jumping back in Season 6, though I imagine many of you are deciding whether to come back at all. I hope no one stops watching this show, but you can if you wish. 

This fandom is precious to me. I wouldn’t post this if I didn’t care. I love you all. Spread love. Have hope.

Theory Thursday

Only You

Hey friends! I’m so sorry I’ve been gone for the past couple of weeks. Things have been crazy! But I’m back for the most important theorizing of the season: THE FINALE! Yeah, we are now at the end & it’s time to tie a bow on Season 5. Today’s post will mainly focus on the finale, whereas next week will be both finale & early S6 theories. Please note that spoilers are fair game in these finale posts, so this is your spoiler alert! So, what are we waiting for? Let’s do this!

Theory 1: Henry is the key to bringing Killian Jones back. Fans were devastated as Emma walked through the portal back to Storybrooke without her pirate. Emma has yet to fail in her endeavors; I would hate to believe that this arc to bring Killian back was all for nothing. Plus, due to filming news we know that Emma & Killian are seen kissing out in front of Granny’s in 5×23 “An Untold Story.” SO HE IS COMING BACK! Breathe easy friends! The question is how. In 5×20, Henry spent the time to write out the departed souls’ unfinished business in order to pass over to a “better place.” While being in the Underworld, he has finally started to embrace & use his power. Henry also was visibly upset when Emma told him that Killian wasn’t going back with them. I don’t think Henry just left the Underworld without leaving a fail safe behind for Killian. Part of the reason the a Author was even going work with Cruella was to clear his mom’s slate and keep her happy endings. Killian is a part of that. PLUS, Henry purposely left the UW storybook behind AND the plot synopsis of 5×21 “Last Rites” says that Killian is looking for the storybook. 

Theory 2: The Camelot and Brave storyline gets resolved. One of the criticisms of the first half of the season was the unresolved story of Merida and the Camelot characters. This Underworld arc has been about dealing with unfinished business, so it would be foolish of the writers to not do the same with their earlier story. Based on filming spoilers and finale plot synopses, a portal will be opened to send the Camelot people minus Violet because she will be on her own adventure with Henry in NYC back to their land. I believe that the portal will be opened by Zelena but of course, something will go wrong and Snow will be dragged into the portal as well. 

Theory 3: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde enter Storybrooke to kick off an asylum arc in Season 6. Ok so a few weeks ago I theorized that Jacob and Nathaniel were actually the Brothers Grimm. I’d like to back track on that theory and tweak it a bit. These are called theories for a reason! So based on a reliable source, the actors who play these characters were called on set during filming Jekyll and Hyde. BOOM. With that in mind, the first question is how did they get there. Nor,ally on this show, our core characters are responsible for this; however, I think for these two, they enter the main story on their own. No spell was conjured. The story of Jekyll and Hyde is about a man torn between two extreme personalities of himself and eventually he succumbs to the madness of Mr. Hyde. From what we know of Nathaniel and Jacob in OUAT, Nathaniel is trying to escape the manipulative power of Jacob see the parallels there. There have been teases of an asylum throughout this arc so I think Nathaniel is in an asylum where he meets someone who gives him a magic bean to escape. The portal takes him to Storybrooke and enters our main story and thus beginning this asylum storyline on the show.

Theory 4: New York City has magic. Once upon a time, I theorized about the importance of New York ( This city has been brought up time and time again, and this can’t be coincidence. In the finale, Rumple goes back to New York. From what we know so far, Belle is still under the sleeping curse. Why would he leave her now? Unless there is a way to bring her and gain more power as the Dark One in the Big Apple. I’m convinced that Adam & Eddy watched “The 10th Kingdom” while developing this show. For those who don’t know, “The 10th Kingdom” was a mini-series about fairytales and magic entering our world, making NYC the tenth kingdom. Also side note, the Wolf and Virginia definitely remind me of Emma and Killian. All of this to say, I think New York is a hub of old magic that our characters keep going back to, whether they realize it or not. 

Theory 5: Robin Hood goes away for a while. We’ve been speculating die quite some time who will get the axe on OUAT next. Due to filming news, it’s been leaning toward our favorite outlaw. Then, the promo for 5×21 saying that a certain death will break the heart of Storybrooke. We know Regina goes into Evil Queen mode for the finale. Regina created Storybrooke; therefore, she is the heart of the town. Plus, the only two people Reguna would ever be devastated over is Robin and Henry. We know Regina goes with Emma to find Henry in the a big Apple. So that leaves Robin Hood. Let me be clear: I DO NOT WANT ROBIN HOOD TO DIE! But I do believe Robin is going to be absent in this new season, either by death or trapped in another realm. If he were to die, I think it will be Hades in a effort to cut Robin out so he could create a family with Zelena, using a tool with water from the River of Lost Souls in it.

So there you go. The first half of my finale theories. Come back next week for the last of them. The end is near! Start preparing your souls for a new hiatus!

Theory Thursday

A Tale of Two Brothers 

As we get closer to the S5 finale, we have to start looking ahead to what’s next. And now I’m finally going to address the casting news that has puzzled me for weeks until now. Hank Harris and Sam Witwer were signed on for recurring roles for the final episodes of S5 and on to S6. Hank is cast as Nathaniel, a troubled patient at a mental institute abused by the warden Jacob, played by Sam. This bugged me way too much! Was this all to say this show has been the imagination of one of the characters? Thankfully no. Adam Horowitz has gone on record saying that this isn’t inside a mental patient. BUT that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to explore that more because we have seen this before! 

Long ago on a show called “Once Upon A Time in Wonderland” Alice was placed in a mental institute after being determined mad, talking about saving Cyrus and returning to Wonderland. Alice is from the realm of fictional Victorian England. Based on the costumes and description of the Jacob and Nathaniel, I believe they come from the same realm as Alice. But we aren’t done yet.

Filming news for the 2-hr finale suggests that Henry (and Violet) has an adventure in NYC, and it’s up to Emma and Regina to find him. Henry is the Author, and I think we forget how big of a target that makes him. We know they eventually make it back to Storybrooke but Nathaniel shows up there. What if he is there to warn the heroes, specifically Henry? Stay with me: it’s  about to get crazy! I don’t think Nathaniel is insane. I think he was captured and placed in the institute for a reason. I think he was placed there because he is competition. I believe Jacob is actually Jacob Grimm, one of the most famous fairytale authors. Remember, Alice would later go on to write her adventures in Wonderland. Nathaniel could also be a writer with a story to tell, but during his time, it was perceived as odd, the Brothers Grimm got tracked him down & imprisoned him in their institute to keep him from sharing his story. However the plot thickens when he finds a way to escape and meet the new Author, Henry. Jacob and his brother Wilhelm (who remains to be cast) are now on their way to try to take over story, converging storytelling worlds. 

WHOA. That was a lot to take in! And I know it seems out there, but with this show anything is possible. So ponder on this as we get closer to the finale and a brand new season! 

Theory Thursday

Tallying the Scoreboard

This is the beginning of the end. Filming has officially wrapped. No more filming spoilers or BTS pics. The only new info we get will be finished product. Everything we know has been laid out like scattered puzzle pieces. So let’s get to work.

An annual tradition of is creating the May Sweeps scorecard, one that will be completely filled in by the time the last season finale airs. It tabulates the events that will happen in the upcoming season finale. This is for ALL shows on major networks, NOT JUST OUAT, throughout the month of May! So with that in mind, I’ve studied & pondered & theorize where I think “Once Upon A Time” will fit in. Note: I’m just listing the categories our show will fit in and excluding the other ones. If you would like to know why I don’t think certain categories apply, please message me.

Character giving birth: Belle. I don’t think it’s a question that Belle fits this spot. She’s currently pregnant; her unborn child is in debt to Hades. And come on! They sped up Zelena’s pregnancy; I doubt they will really drag this thing out!

Couples having sex, kissing, OR saying “I Love You” for the first time: 1) Robin and Regina for “I Love You.” Yeah, we will never forget that steamy vault scene. But this couple is starting to gain some momentum in scenes since 4×16. With everything they’ve gone through, I think they are due for this. PLUS, for the fans who do believe Robin is going to die, you just know that his final words to Regina will be those of love. 2) Emma and Killian for “couple having sex.” After everything they’ve been through this ENTIRE season, these two need a moment… in their house… ALONE! Call me an optimist but yeah, coffee. 

(Possible) Fatalities: Robin. Of the FOURTEEN reported deaths to come and filming spoilers, the one most likely on the chopping block is our favorite outlaw with a bow and arrow. HOWEVER, I don’t believe this is the last time we will see him. Keep in mind, the current arc is literally reuniting us with the dearly departed AND this scoreboard has a resurrection list too. Also, I added him to the possible fatalities category because we could get a scene at the end suggesting he might still be around!

Characters leaving town: 1) Zelena. On the last day of shooting, Rebecca Mader was filming on blue screen outside. Looked like a portal. What if she goes off on her own little adventure? 2) Rumple. Oh Rumple. Such a complicated character! Last episode, he clearly laid out the man he is, one who loves power as much as he loves Belle. His character has been seen filming in “New York” a bit. This reminds me of an earlier theory I had about the importance of the Big Apple. Maybe he decides to stick around there a bit, collecting souvenirs & potentially more magic.

Resurrections and/or big returns: Robin. Again, call me an optimist but I don’t think we are done with him yet. If anything we could lose him one episode then BAM one of the last shots of the TWO-HOUR FINALE is his eyes opening or something. The course of true love never runs smooth, and Regina and Robin’s story is far from over. Hence, resurrection.

Engagements/question popping: Emma and Killian. After a season of angst and unrest between these two, from losing each other to darkness & death, there has to be an emotional payoff. Plus, on the last day of shooting in Steveston, there was a scene of the two of them enthusiastically kissing in front of Granny’s, which has been an important location for the two. Adam & Eddy have gone on record saying that there won’t be a wedding this season, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be one in the future. 

So there you go! My early theories of the season finale! From here on out, most of the remaining theories of this season will be about the finale. It’s been a crazy ride and I can’t wait to see how it plays out. 

Theory Thursday

Dancing With the Devil

At the end of last week’s episode, the audience found out partially why Hades wanted to keep the storybook pages away from the heroes: he has history with Zelena. *GASP* Then the promo follows and this history with Zelena appears to be romantic turned tragic due to the tears Zelena had when questioned about Hades. So the big question is: what happened and what does she know?

Here’s a story: Evil Boy meets Evil Wicked Girl. At first it’s a flirtatious relationship wanting something from the other. Then, Wicked Girl finds herself letting down those walls, thinking this could be something real. Even Evil Boy thought he could fall for her too when he lets slip his weaknesses and vulnerabilities to Wicked Girl. Someone walks in during that and of course Evil Boy gets paranoid, and leaves her high and dry. The end, except not really! 

Here’s what IS happening: Hades has employed Rumple to make a portal to Storybrooke. Rumple will do it because he wants to get out of a deal that will force him to give up his second-born child (first child with Belle). Zelena is back in Oz. Baby Hood is with Blue Fairy in Storybrooke. Everybody got that? GOOD! 

Here’s where I start theorizing. I think Hades is going to get Rumple out of his deal by trading Rumple’s baby for Baby Hood. Once in possession of the baby, he strikes a deal with Zelena, buying her silence on his weaknesses to get her daughter back. However the deal she makes might have the fine print of she has to stay in Underworld, making her OUAT’s version of Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. For Hades, this could be fueled by romantic feelings but largely in part out of protection for himself. And like most mothers especially on this show, she will do whatever it takes to be with her child. The Storybrooke heroes will strike a deal with Zelena: work together to get her child back & defeat Hades.

This relationship between the Wicked Witch and the God of the Underworld is one I’m excited to see play out. Whatever happens, it should be wicked fun!

Theory Thursday

As One Door Closes

Hey everybody! Sorry about last week! It’s been a whirlwind adjusting to a new job, but I’m back. Production of the current season is due to wrap in the coming days. I know, we only JUST got started on 5B. TIME FLIES! But that won’t stop th theories coming and if I’m honest, once production wraps it’s easier to lay out all the evidence and theorize away. Today I’m breaking down a curious prop that appearered on set roughly around filming for the season finale: a door.

Yes friends, a door. In the scope of fairytales and the show, we’ve seen doors as portals, the beginnings of new chapters and adventures. The last time the audience saw a door being used was in 4×08 in a flashback where the Apprentice uses Merlin’s magic to open a portal for Ingrid to enter our realm circa 1982. Here’s what we know: Henry is going to have a chat with the deceased Apprentice in this week’s episode 5×15 “The Brothers Jones.” The Storybrooke heroes need to find a way out of the Underworld. Henry is the current author looking for the pen.

Here we go! The Apprentice knows the most about the extent of Henry’s author abilities. In Henry’s quest for finding the pen, what if the Apprentice sheds some light on Henry’s powers, the full extent of them? Maybe the way out of the Underworld isn’t by boat but by Henry writing a portal door in the plot of their story.

But it doesn’t stop there! We know that there is a door in our realm due to filming spoilers. The season is hopefully going to wrap up the unfinished business of 5A as well, so perhaps Henry writes up a portal door to allow the Camelot people to return to their world, as well as any Storybrooke characters who wish to return to their lands of origin. Then the question becomes “who will we be saying goodbye to at the end of S5 not limited to the form of death. And not JUST who will leave for their land, but who will come through the door… leading into the conflict of the new season.

As I just opened a new door of possibility, ponder and enjoy the current arc we’re on and prepare yourself for the adventure ahead!

Theory Thursday

Take it to the Grave

WE ARE BACK IN BUSINESS! 5B is officially underway, laying out the groundwork for what this arc will hold beautifully done by the way! It may be a bit premature especially since we JUST started 5B, but I want to take a look towards the end. If you are NOT a fan of spoilers, I would suggest holding off on reading this. READ WITH CAUTION!

Ok let’s get down to business: the cast of OUAT had a busy weekend at the con and were back filming 4×22 “Only You” bright and early Monday morning. Please note this is Part 1 of the season finale. Fans there saw tombstones. First it was just for Robin Hood (but Sean was filming in studio & potentially on set), but then it was later leaked that EVERY character had a tombstone. Regina Mills, Snow White, Emma Swan, Killian Jones, etc.  Plus, it didn’t help that TVLine released their major character death blind item the same day! Obviously, the fandom started to panic. 

Keep in mind, they are setting the stage for S6 with a new realm & characters I’ll theorize that LATER! We also got news that Robert Carlyle was shooting NYC scenes. Amy Manson is back to reprise Merida. AND Sean was filming scenes in the forest with Lana, Bex, & Raphael. So what are they up to?

Here’s what I’m thinking. The writers & cast know that we know spoilers, if we want them. They also get a kick out of twists that the audience doesn’t see coming. So I think that all the tombstones are meant to throw the fans off on their REAL plans. I don’t think any of the characters that have tombstones are dying. Rather, it’s more about who DOES NOT have one that we should be cautious of. We are looking at our core but forgetting the obvious. Every arc, a villain is either defeated and/or killed. With Merida coming back with her own unfinished business in Storybrooke (and Liam Garrigan back in Vancouver), did you stop to think that we might actually see Merida defeat Arthur once and for all? Or maybe I’m wrong. Maybe ALL of those characters with tombstones die after returning Storybrooke, and one of them will stay dead. 

This is just early theorizing & speculation. The answers are in front of us. ALL the pieces are coming to the table. Now it’s a matter of putting it together.

Theory Thursday

The Big Event

It’s here. It’s finally here! 1) OUAT returns this Sunday. 2) The 100th episode kicks off the new arc. 3) I’m heading up to Vancouver TOMORROW for the OUAT con. And 4) I’m finally going to share with you my big theory I’ve been alluding to. Lots of excitement! 

When I started back theorizing in January, I wanted to connect these hiatus theories together much in the way that MCU movies tell an overarching story of the Avengers. I started with “Something Old, Something New” with an idea in the back of mind. This idea carried over into “A Rite of Passage,” “Somethng Borrowed, Something Blue,” “Tying the Knot,” “The Long Haul,” and last week’s “Finding Mr. Right.” The topics varied week-to-week, but the theme stayed the same. The titles were the clues. These theories are pointing back to a theory I made back in early September; remember “Wedding Bells”? To recap, I had an early theory that this season we would get another wedding, either between Robin & Regina or Emma & Killian. Based on the season we’ve had so far and what’s to come in this next arc, I still believe this arc will contain an engagement and/or a marriage between Emma & Killian.

Wait, why not Robin and Regina? Well honestly, their relationship hasn’t been fully fleshed out in the way Emma & Killian’s relationship has. Don’t get me wrong: I want to see  Robin & Regina get hitched! However, I want to see them more on our screens in a relationship before a ring pops up. And let’s be honest: we ALL want more Robin & Regina.

So why Emma and Killian? Well, this season has basically been traditional wedding vows. Seriously, Emma and Killian have loved each other through their better and worse moments (especially when they were both Dark Ones). For richer and poorer (in the form of power and magic). In sickness aka the Darkness’ control on each of them. In health, the moments they overcome that control and bring out the best in each other like 5×01 Killian talks Emma out of crushing Merida’s heart and 5×04 Middlemist meadow scene. To love and to cherish. And now, til death do us part. They will literally jump realms throughout all time & space, to the ends of the earth for each other. Killian’s sacrifice was unknowingly manipulated by Rumple, so now Emma is going to the Underworld and won’t rest until Killian is brought back to Storybrooke with her. 5A has proven that these two are in it for the long haul and can handle marriage. 

Adam & Eddy have also said that there is another true love’s kiss coming. It’s been long overdue and now with these high stakes, the timing is right. I believe this season’s finale will contain a TLK between Emma and Killian, which will further stamp the strength and validity of this relationship. After returning to Storybrooke and defeating Hades, that experience will put some things into perspective & the two will make that leap in their commitment to each other. The emotional payoff of the obstacles Emma and Killian have faced will be through this beautiful rite of passage. Will Emma be the one to propose? Most likely. Will the wedding happen in the finale? Potentially. Would I be upset if it didn’t? Nope. 

BREAKING NEWS: JoAnna Garcia-Swisher is back to reprise Ariel in the season finale!  Anytime Ariel shows up, something BIG happens for Emma and Killian. 3×06: Killian reveals his feelings to Emma, and it’s not just a dalliance. 3×07 Killian tells Emma he is going to pursue her honorably. 3×10 Emma gets a little jealous when she sees him with tinkerbell, and Killian tells Neal that he is in it for the long haul for Emma. 3×17 Killian tells “Ariel” he’s in love with Emma. 4×15 Killian tells Emma that SHE is his happy ending. DO YOU SEE WHERE I’M GOING WITH THIS?! Perhaps Ariel comes back to Storybrooke as a guest for a wedding…

THE WAIT IS OVER! OUAT IS BACK IN ACTION THIS SUNDAY! Let the fight for Killian’s soul begin! 

Theory Thursday

Finding Mr. Right

The end of hiatus is near as well as my theory arc leading to my grand theory of 5B. Don’t worry that will be revealed soon! I was going to talk the 100th episode but casting news of last night has my theory wheels turning. Spoiler TV has released info for casting call for 5×21 “Last Rites.” OUAT is casting for the role of Prince Marcus: a ruler in his 30s-40s who looks & acts like a king; wise, handsome, and authoritative; and deals harsh justice yet knows the power of kindness and forgiveness. Now why would OUAT cast this role in the episode BEFORE the season finale? There are more important things at stake like saving Killian and getting back to Storybrooke. This is no coincidence. Who is Prince Marcus?

Here’s my theory: Prince Marcus is a red herring. Remember last summer when TV Line released the casting call for Rumple’s mother? ICYMI, OUAT released this to throw off fans for their casting of Merida. Well friends, the same thing is happening. The character of “Prince Marcus” is not found in fairytale lore. Sure it could be a random prince, but these writers are always one step ahead & love surprising fans especially since “Prince Marcus” comes in right around the finale, which usually teases where next season is heading. So with that, here are my top 3 theories of who this character REALLY is.

Zeus: This arc has opened the door wide open to Greek mythology. It would be a shame if they limited this world to just Hades and Medusa. If Hades is the main antagonist this arc, there is only one immortal who has authority over him, the king of the Olympians himself. The description of the character lines up with many of Zeus’ characteristics as the ruler of the Greek gods & goddesses. The heroes in the Underworld could reach out to him, or things really get out of control and Zeus comes down to intervene. 

Prince John: Go with me on this. We know that Liam & Killian used to serve a corrupt king who wanted dreamshade as a weapon against his enemies. What if we find out they served Prince John, after he took over for King Richard the Lion Heart? But the description says the character knows the power of forgiveness and kindness. Just because he knows it doesn’t mean he will act on it. PLUS, this could connect Killian and Robin Hood because we all know that it was during Prince John’s reign that Robin Hood started stealing from the rich to give to the poor. This could open the door for a more Robin-centric story going into the next season. And who wouldn’t love more Robin Hood? 

A Narnian Ruler. Stay with me, this gets crazy! One of the worlds that hasn’t been explored yet is Narnia, which Disney has some of the rights to. Brigitte Hales posted a trippy image of a portal door during finale writing. Rulers of Narnia fit the description of a balance of justice and mercy. What if Narnia is the next realm we explore? AND here’s a fun tid bit: Christopher Markus wrote the screenplay for all three Narnia movies. Just ponder on a bit on that. 

So what do YOU think? It could be any of these; it could be something completely else! These are early theories after all, but regardless, I can’t wait to see what the writers have in store for us with this characters. 
